This cookie policy describes what cookies are, how they may be used, what information they may collect, for which purposes this information may be processed, and how you can prevent the cookies from being stored. Please refer to the privacy policy for more details on your personal data usage, storage, and security.
Cookies are tiny text files that are downloaded to your computer to improve your overall user experience.
Usage of Cookies
This site may use the following cookies: service booking, order processing, and forms-related cookies.
Third-Party Cookies
This site may use various analytics cookies to understand how you use the site to improve your experience. Social media share buttons or plugins may be used to connect with your social profile. Cookies set on this site may be used to enhance your profile on the respective social media platforms or contribute to the data the platform’s process for purposes as outlined in their privacy policies.
Cookie Preferences
You can prevent the usage of cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser. Please, be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this and other sites you visit. Therefore, it is recommended not to disable cookies.
Policy Changes
This cookie policy may be updated from time to time. Please, regularly check this policy to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version.
Please, don’t hesitate to reach out in case of any questions with regards to the cookie policy: